
University of Manchester Research Support of ethnic minority mothers in pregnancies after baby loss


We are supporting Manchester University post graduate, Zoyah Sheikh with their research study, exploring support for people from ethnic minority backgrounds in pregnancies after baby loss. 

They would like to hear from parents who are: 

  • Black Africian, Black Caribbean or Pakistani ethnicty. 
  • Are fluent in English, Somali, Urdu or Punjabi
  • Are over 21 years of age
  • Currently live in England
  • Have lost a baby during pregnancy or up to 28 days after birth
  • Received standard NHS maternity care during the pregnancy or pregnancies where loss was experienced.

Please see the Information Leaflet here for more details.

If you are interested in participating and want to find out more, please contact Zoyah Sheikh by email: zoyah.sheikh@postgrad.manchester.ac.uk 

Please note that our Supporting Arms Team is available to anyone who may choose to participate and want to discuss their experience of baby loss with our team. Information about how to contact our Supporting Arms Service is available here. 

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  • Registered Charity No: 1153296