
Our volunteer Christine, holding one of Aching Arms Comfort Bears


Christine says:

"Hello, my name is Christine and I’m an Aching Arms ambassador and postal volunteer. 
My first son was born sleeping in 2020 and I left hospital with empty arms and a broken heart. 
A few months later, after talking to other bereaved parents, I heard about Aching Arms and all of the work they do. What stood out to me the most, was the bears that they give out. I wished that I had been given a bear, when I left the hospital, as I really feel that if I had had something to hold, perhaps it would have helped heal my empty arms and broken heart. 
On the second anniversary of my sons birth, I felt in a position to be able to help other bereaved families in some way. That’s when I contacted Aching Arms and became a volunteer. I now post out bears to other families. It is such an honour to think that I am helping someone by posting a bear for them to cuddle, but it’s even more of a privilege to read the dedication names on the bears that’s have been donated of the babies gone too soon." 

Christine's role of an ambassador involves speaking about the charity at business networking events, local community groups, schools or other local organisations. The purpose of this role is to raise awareness of the charity, and its aims and to canvas support with fundraising and donations.

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Supporting Arms 07464 508994      support@achingarms.co.uk

  • Registered Charity No: 1153296