
Global's Make Some Noise


Our Global's Make Some Noise campaign has been a true Aching Arms team effort. It started in Summer 2022 when our Founder, Leanne Turner, her partner Mark and their 9-year-old son Cameron, joined by volunteers Ilana and Adam Manning, visited Global’s HQ to record personal stories of how Aching Arms had helped them.

Then on Global’s Make Some Noise day, 6th October last year, our amazing ambassadors Ross Sullivan and Adam Manning put their bodies and souls into conquering the gruelling 24-hour Three Peaks Challenge with Amanda Holden from Heart FM.

Leanne, Mark and Cameron once again hit the airwaves at Global’s HQ and witnessed all the fun and hard work of the Make Some Noise Day Team.  They were joined by ambassadors Jade Lewis and Ilana Manning who kindly spoke to Capital FM and LBC Radio stations about how Aching Arms had helped and supported them when they sadly experienced the loss of their precious babies. Their support in speaking so honestly and openly about their losses and our charity, helped us to reach many other families who were listening. The charity will now endeavour to put these funds to very good use.

Lindsay Carpenter-Oliver, our Bereavement Care Manager will be leading our Be Together Programme. She said, “We are very grateful for the grant from Global’s Make Some Noise. This will enable Aching Arms to develop the Be Together programme throughout the UK, allowing us to support many more families by giving opportunities for them to come together and gain some comfort from knowing they are not alone.

The Be Together programme brings together parents whose baby has died during pregnancy, at birth or shortly after, along with siblings and the wider family. However, this is not a traditional support group.  Families are invited to come to an activity, such as a wilderness day, a picnic, animal handling or a craft workshop, where they can either spend that time comfortable in the knowledge that they are amongst people who have been through something similar to themselves or speak with other families and remember their baby.  We ran a small pilot within the South East and the feedback from families who have attended has been overwhelming"

‘Being part of the event yesterday was amazing and it showed my children they aren’t alone’. We are so excited to be able to offer this provision to more families across the UK.”

Thank you Global's Make Some Noise and everyone who donated to Global’s Make Some Noise Campaign, on behalf of the trustees, the staff, our volunteers, our babies and all the babies whose memory we honour every day, thank you. You've made a huge difference and the ripples will reach beyond the horizon. Never Alone.

You can read more information from the press release here.

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  • Registered Charity No: 1153296