
Info graphic with details of Be Together Football Match


The Aching Arms Be Together Project, in collaboration with The Lily Mae Foundation, is excited to announce our upcoming event for bereaved Dads - a friendly football match.

This event aims to bring together fathers who have experienced the loss of their baby, providing an opportunity for them to connect with others who share a similar journey.

Join us at the Birmingham City Training ground on Sunday, 2nd July, and be part of this community gathering, cheering on the players. 

Be Together Project:

The Aching Arms Be Together events offer a unique space for bereaved parents, siblings, and extended family members to come together with others who have also suffered the loss of a baby. These events, held across the UK, provide a chance to spend time engaging in various activities, such as chocolate making, campfires, tree planting, lantern making, and now, a football match. By participating in these events, attendees have the opportunity to connect with individuals who can empathise and understand their experiences.

The Dad's Football Match:

Our first Dad's football match will take place at Birmingham City Training ground. All family members and friends are invited to join us and cheer on the participating teams. The match promises to be a friendly and enjoyable occasion where Dads can connect, have fun, and find solace in the company of others who have an understanding of what they are going through. 

Event Details:

Date: Sunday, 2nd July
Kick-off Time: 1:00 PM
Address: Birmingham City Training Ground,  300 Redhill Rd, King's Norton, Alvechurch, Birmingham B38 9EL.

There is a carpark nearby and there are normally stewards there to direct you.

After the Game

After the match we are planning on heading to a local pub, all players and families are welcome and it is just an informal opportunity to chat/ recover after the game.

The pub is called The Hopwood House and it is back towards the motorway,  the address is as follows: Hopwood, Alvechurch, Birmingham B48 7AB

How to Join:

If you're interested in attending this special event, please email Lindsay, our bereavement care manager, at bereavementcare@achingarms.co.uk. Lindsay will provide you with further information. We encourage you to bring your loved ones along to show support during this event. (Please note that our team is now full) 

The Power of Community:

The Be Together events organised by Aching Arms aim to create a environment for bereaved families to connect, share experiences, and find solace without the traditional pressures of a support group. While there is no obligation to discuss personal stories, participants have the opportunity to open up and share if they wish, knowing that those around them can offer understanding and support.

Future Be Together Events:

If you would like to learn more about our upcoming Be Together events, including details about future football matches or other activities, please reach out to Claire our Be Together Project Manager at betogether@achingarms.co.uk or sign up to our updates here. 

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  • Registered Charity No: 1153296